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Pig Brig Hog Traps

Pig Brig Hog Trap System

Catch the Whole Sounder

What do you do if wild pigs have invaded your property and begun to destroy your land, your livestock or your livelihood?

Once you’ve seen signs of feral hogs, the only reliable way to protect your land is by eliminating them all - the whole sounder. Whether you are trying to protect a farm, a ranch, a neighborhood, a hunting tract, a fishing site or even a national park, Pig Brig® Trap Systems offers the most effective means for trapping wild hogs.

Our patented design is unlike any other. Instead of depending on you to stay up all night watching a field camera and then springing a remotely triggered gate, the Pig Brig Trap does the trapping for you. Wild hogs simply follow their rooting instincts right into the trap. Because the nets look and feel natural to wild hogs, they do not fear it. In fact, they follow each other in – one after the other, throughout the night. Big corral traps claim to be “multi-catch” traps because they can catch more than one pig at a time. But the Pig Brig Trap is not only multi-catch, it is a continuous catch – it traps pigs all night long.

Once inside, even the biggest boars stay trapped. Our patented design features double-walled, incredibly tough netting that gives, but never gives up. The Pig Brig Trap is field proven in some of the most difficult terrains around the world. From the biggest and nastiest hogs in Texas, to the elusive and invasive pigs of the south, farmers, ranchers and conservationists worldwide have put the Pig Brig Trap to the test as they seek to protect their herds from disease, protect against agricultural damage or conserve natural ecosystems.

Learn more about the threat of wild hogs, and how Pig Brig Trap can help protect you.

About Wild Hogs

Hogs Trapped by Pig Brig Trap System

Wild hogs are the largest and most destructive invasive species in the world. They are present on every continent except Antarctica (but, give them a chance, they’ll probably get there too.) First introduced into the United States in the 1500s, the number of wild pigs is now in the millions, and their population is growing at an alarming rate. They cause damage to farmland and native wildlife populations, and are identified as a nuisance in most states. A herd – or sounder – of wild hogs can drive away local game, create erosion problems that disrupt fishing, kill small and juvenile livestock and can lay waste to crops. In the United States, feral hogs account for over a billion dollars in farm damage and crop loss every year. In the last hog census, over half of the hogs in North America were active in the state of Texas. Hunting hogs with guns simply scatters the sounder. Hogs learn quickly and relocate based on hunting pressure. Pigs adapt to new environments and reproduce rapidly, which means scattering the sounder only increases their population and their impact on others. Complete sounder elimination by trapping them all is the only reliable means of feral hog management.

Feral Hog Population

There are an estimated 6 million feral hogs in the country. And that number is rising rapidly. They cause destruction to land across at least 35 states, and are now encroaching on urban areas.

How to Recognize the Presence of Feral Hogs

A distinct sign that there are feral hogs in your area is rooting. Rooting is the act of breaking up soil, exposing the underlayers to sunlight and piling soil up. Feral hogs root to find food. Rooting can leave farmland unusable and destroy a sprouting crop. Rooting removes the food sources deer and birds feed on and can ruin once abundant hunting lands. Rooting also leads to erosion. This affects streams and rivers and disrupts fish breeding and feeding areas. While not as visibly obvious, this behavior disturbs the soil, exposing vital microorganisms, killing them and disrupting the natural process that keeps the land fertile and productive.

Feral hogs cause other issues:

  • Pollution of water sources for native wildlife and humans
  • Consumption of native plants and small wildlife
  • Competition for food among wild game
  • Erosion by rooting soil across large areas of land
  • Transmission of diseases and parasites which impact native wildlife and livestock

Population Predictions

The number of feral hogs is rising and with females able to produce up to 12 piglets per litter, it is rising fast. Large groups are called sounders and typically consist of females and their young. Adult males, or boars, are often found wandering alone and will join sounders for mating purposes. If feral hog management isn’t maintained, the population will increase uncontrollably, causing damage to or ruining ecosystems.

The Pig Brig Trap Systems Difference

Easy Transport of Pig Brig Trap System

Pig Brig Traps are lightweight, continuous trap systems. Our traps are both simple and effective. Our trap will fit in a tote, and can be carried on an ATV, which means you can take them anywhere. Our trap uses nets, not gates and walls, which means it can work on soft and uneven ground. Our trap does not require satellite or cellular service to trigger it – the netting does the work for you. This means you can trap anywhere, anytime, and all the time. And, because our trap is the only continuous catch trap available, it is the most effective means of trapping the whole sounder.

In addition, Pig Brig invites customers to join the Pig Brig Catch Club – a welcoming group of pig trappers eager to share tips and tricks for protecting your land, livestock and livelihood. 

Easy Setup of Pig Brig Trap System

How to Choose a Hog Trap

  1. If you are in a remote location where cell service is spotty or unavailable, you will need a trap that does not depend on a camera or a remotely activated trap trigger (like a gate).
  2. If you are trying to protect soft ground, you will need a trap that pigs cannot dig under.
  3. If you need to trap in uneven ground, you will need a trap that does not have rigid wall structures.
  4. If you need to trap in a wooded area (pigs tend to seek the shade and protection of a tree line,) you will need a trap that can be configured around and among trees. This is typically not an option with corral traps.
  5. If you have more than one pig – and, if you are reading this, you do. You need a trap capable of multi-catch, or better still, continuous catch.

Trapper Support After the Sale

The Pig Brig Trap has been tested and continuously refined for over a decade, and it has been field-proven to help you eliminate your wild hog problem. And we stand behind that promise in 3 ways:

  • Product Performance: We offer a 100-Day Money-Back Guarantee and a 1-Year Warranty on our Pig Brig Trap. If it does not work for you, well, that doesn’t work for us. Call us and we will make it right.
  • People Performance: We have professional pig trappers available to help. If you have questions about anything from trap placement to bait selection, we’re here to help.
  • Continuous Support: All customers are invited to join our Catch Club. This is a network of people - just like you - who are trying to protect their land from feral hogs. Here, we share and learn and support each other with tips, tricks and the knowledge you need to outsmart even the smartest pigs.

Learn more from our satisfied trapping customers or check out videos of our portable hog traps in action.

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