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The Birth of the
Pig Brig®

For all of the incredible things the Pig Brig® Trap can do, its development came about largely because of the things we couldn’t do. Or, more specifically, weren’t allowed to do. Working on a feral hog eradication project on the Pacific Island of Guam, our biologists were forbidden from driving posts into the ground or any work that would disrupt the soil due to unexploded WWII ordnance.

It was these restrictions that resulted in the Pig Brig® ’s breakthrough design.

When we started hanging nets from trees, we realized that, thanks to the pigs’ natural rooting behavior, the animals would continuously enter the trap unimpeded. And by not relying on a remotely triggered gate, our catch numbers were much higher than they had been with traditional metal traps.

Just like that, Pig Brig®® Trap Systems was born: a simpler, smarter, more effective way to trap feral pigs. And we continue to push the design, features and functionality of the Pig Brig® Trap, learning from our customers and delivering new products and new solutions.

pig brig

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