Pig Brig Trap Bundles
Say goodbye to the days of complex hog trapping. Our innovative trap bundles are designed for ease, effectiveness, and endurance. It's not just a trap; it's your property's new best friend.

Seamless trapping with user-friendly setup, engineered for durability and multiple captures in even the most remote locations.
Bundle Includes:
The XT Trap System

For those who prefer to watch the action, this bundle includes an optional real-time monitoring camera.
Bundle Includes:
The XT Trap System
1 Spartan GoLive 2 4G/LTE Camera

Perfect for multiple sounders: our simple, versatile trap system covers various sites with ease. Ideal for extensive land management.
Bundle Includes:
The XT Trap System
2 Spartan GoLive 2 4G/LTE Cameras
Hardware Kit with Wolf Fang Anchors

Hog Wild No More
Find out how to protect your land and qualify for the Arkansas Cost Share Program.

Hog Trapping Help Center
Curious about what's in the box with your trap, or just itching to get started on your hog-trapping adventure? Our Support Page isn't just a help center; it's your secret weapon in the war against wily swine.
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